Darth Vader and Stormtroopers dance to Metallica at Disney's Star Wars Weekends 2011  

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Visit www.InsideTheMagic.net for much more from Star Wars Weekends 2011 Hyperspace Hoopla was bigger and better than ever at Star Wars Weekends 2011, taking place on a new huge stage in front of the Sorcerer Hat at Disney's Hollywood Studios. -- Visit us on the web www.InsideTheMagic.net Follow us on Twitter twitter.com Find us on Facebook: facebook.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Vader is master of those puppets

Im waiting for James to pop out of the fuckin darth vader costume

they just shit all over Star Wars and Metallica

Tough crowd, crack a smile you grumpy gits. This is hysterical!

No... Just..no, Disney.
What is really bad is that if this were on Robot Chicken it would be hilarious.

What the Hell is this?!!!????

I bet metallica was playing as the cast of star wars the same day! XD

my eyes are burning..

No sé si reír o llorar D:

Its Disney, how can one be suprised ? -.-

Epic win

I like Metallica...I like Star Wars...but I feel so conflicted now...Should I laugh? Should I cry? Should I feel Gnerd Rage? Does this mean next year they'll have the cast of Star Trek dancing to Enya to bring balance back to the force?

god where is WMG when needed!!!

now i've seen everything...

Sad...sad day

what the hell?

That's creepy.. they should make a sequel :D

So sad.

You know, judging by Vader's performance here, I've come to the conclusion that the mysterious box-shaped apparatus on Vader's chest is actually a massive compendium of metal songs (esp. Metallica) that he can play in his helmet at any time. How come nobody thought of this before? It's the perfect logical conclusion...

Enter Vader

@MrMrFreddy Laugh :)

Im happy !

Make a musical!! :)

...keep you free from sin, until the Sith Lord he comes.

Yeah sexy Aurra Sing! ;-)

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