Brynne Edelsten - Dancing With The Stars - Australia - 2011  

Posted by Unknown in

Geoffery smiles with pride as Brynne dances The Cha Cha with Arsen on the First night of Dancing With The Stars. As seen on Channel 7. Copyright © 2011 seven network Australia Disclaimer: "I have no claim on this video. All rights reserved by copyright owner".


hideous cunt

Nothing is better than the Irish Jerk! NOTHING!

@Lillyvon If you have nothing good to say, dont say anything at all, specially when you don't know the person. Time for you to grow up don't you think?

1. I HAVE met her at a cocktail party at the W last year. 2. The minute you agree to go on television you are OPEN to comments and public opinion. If you do not LIKE people judging you openly - do not make yourself available to be judged! 3. It's easy to be hard on someone - you are doing it right now, dopey!

@Lillyvon How could u be so judgmental on some one whom you have never met? She's a lot smarter than you darling. That's why she's signing her first million dollar movie deal while you are sitting on your ass pretend to be a keyboard hero.

Yep that's it. Amazing how you nailed it. I'm jealous of how dumb she is, I'm jealous she has to sleep with an old wrinkled corpse so she can buy Gucci handbags, and I'm BEYOND jealous she has no rhythm or dance skills. Wow, are you a mind reader because that is amazing!!!!

@Lillyvon you obviously threatened by her for some reason. I pity you. BTW: lets see your dance moves .... {vomit}

nice tits

Yeah, that was pretty bad.

LustrousxDesire   says July 1, 2011 at 5:50 PM

This is actually quite painful to watch. Poor woman.

Shaylencarroll   says July 1, 2011 at 6:29 PM

Taking about her that way is so rude it was her first time.


Haha I thought she was pretty fugly when I saw her on tv and then she spoke and made me want to stab out my ears!

hot2trotwhatugot   says July 1, 2011 at 7:28 PM

bedazzled potato sack, PMSL!!. if she doesn't realise she's on there so people can take the piss then she's a bigger dipshit than we first thought.

ha ha. She was CUTE and hideous all in one. Loved it!

people are awful.

are her boobs real?

WTF up with her face when she smiles? All the Botox makes her look like a retard.

There is NO routine that could be picked to make her 'look good' - let's face it. She's a disaster!

@Lillyvon I totally agree! I am very glad that there is someone else that agrees with me:)

put the comments about her personal life aside for a moment and discuss the dancing. Brynnes dance partner is at fault here, his choreography was terrible, we know she can't dance and this routine made her look awful. He should've had enough experience with choreography to have chosen a totally different routine for her

Only moron's can by hypnotized - so be it! I personally do not believe in it.

Eh, she married him for the money. She made her own bed - now she has to lie in it - or on it - or next to it! She's a high end hooker - that's all. She doesnt walk the street - she get's in on a higher level.

Because half the people on TV are on some kind of drug or booze - that's why! He just got caught!!! And yes I've worked in television - for about 9 years. Trust me, more people than you think are on 'something'!

Oh for god sake! Everyone needs to wake up! She may be a 'nice person' but she's as dumb as hell, cannot dance to save her life and has not a thought going through her head! The judges were spot on - she was crap on every level. Whether she is a 'nice' lass or not - she was god damn awful on every level of terrible! Plus the comments were hilarious! I cannot believe people standing up so much for this female. She married that silly old fool for his money!

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