Wonder Girls - Nobody - Storm Trooper Dance Korea - Korean  

Posted by Unknown in

www.loltimeout.com Twitter twitter.com --------------------------------------------- I visited South Korea this summer and they are obsessed with their pop music - boy bands and girl bands. BUT the funny thing is the more you listen to it the more catchy it gets and seems to run through your head all day!! AH! Well this is a bunch of stormtroopers dancing to the Wonder Girl's hit "Nobody" The song has been copied and redone all over the world but this has got to be the best ever! All they needed was Darth Vader to jump in... oh boy... wonder what the Dark Side is thinking right now --------------------------------------------- www.loltimeout.com Twitter twitter.com
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Haha my sister love the song and then seesaw the video and she was like o.0 wth?!?!?!?!

That was the coolest thing ive seen this week!!!

@ryanhall1495 La verdad,

omg this is so fricken awesome..why doesn't anything happen like this over in stafford!! and sir or madam your straps came undon XD lmao 0:46

This is so wrong. XD

XD hilarius

me too

They should go to Japan, oh wait...

why? ahahaha why would anyone think this was necessary?

@bluetextonwhitebg Starcraft 2 LOL

bluetextonwhitebg   says July 24, 2011 at 5:57 AM

This is what happens when Koreans stop playing World of Warcraft.

mabye it's REALLY hard to dance like real in that costume?

i should shoot the troopers they should dance like they mean it

Why doesnt this ever happen where i live......i need to go to Korea

@1Ecstacy Wow jealous much?

fuk the rebels join the dark side its alot funner lol and you get bad to the ass out fits

I wander what people thought when they saw that on the street.


No, do not stop! I started to get into it

Funny. Shows that some storm troopers are gay

They do a credible job of doing that dance in that armor. I like it.


Join the galactic empire today. This is what happens when they can't find those droids their looking for.

@123kelvinran You dont want this. Its is rubies and looks terrible

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