Battle Mosufu (B-Girl Crew) vs Zygomatik 2009 @ Dijon Final Round
Posted by Unknown in Sexy Girl Dancing [Mosufu(Julia, Saym, Cuji, Seta, Anne B-girl crew) vs Zigomatic(Dijon)] Winner: Zygomatic. January 31st, Dijon, Battle Final Round(Dijon)/Comments: Crazy Monkey/Mosufu is a B-girl crew From France and Italy, also featuring B-girls Manuela, Sarah (Figure2Style) and Maeva. Mosufu meaning: MOtherSUperF@#k!!!
THE DARE THAT WON 000 on WWW.DAREJUNKIES.COM: We'd like to see some pole dancing but don't have the time to get to the local strip hut. What's that? Neither do you, ladies? In that case how about giving us a little pole dance show at any place you can find a pole. A stop sign, a tow away zone or even the firehouse will do. Just find the right piece of metal and make a dance partner out of it. The good news is you don't have to even get naked for this one, but like our grandpa once said; "The more skin, the better". Sorry for this one, mom!"