Dancing With the Stars Team Chelsea - Chelsea Kane, Romeo and Ralph Macchio
Posted by Unknown in Dancing With The Stars
Dancing With the Stars Team Chelsea - Chelsea Kane, Romeo and Ralph Macchio
Video Rating: 5 / 5
Posted by Unknown in Dancing With The Stars
Dancing With the Stars Team Chelsea - Chelsea Kane, Romeo and Ralph Macchio
Video Rating: 5 / 5
the person that sings for team hines sounds like shes pluging her nose
Team Chelsea is Awsome!
chelsea rocks baby!!!!
We want to Ralph and Karina to the contest in again!!!!, they are a good team, they're made a nice connection, and they have a nice technique of the dance. THEY ARE A REAL STARS.
I like this version of the song better than the original. I wish I could buy it.
@depeau44 i called her a fat ass but her weight was not my point.. shes doing well if you compare her to herself.. but not compared to ralph and kendra...romeo was skinny and deserved to go home the first week with kirstie....my point is ralph should be in the finals becuz he is by far a better dancer and performer than kirstie!!!!!!!!!!!!
@depeau44 Ok, don't be an ass. Kirstie may be over weight, but i think she's doing pretty well for herself in the compatition. You don't need to be anorexic to be able to learn how to dance.
Hines needs to go home...he is so BLAH!!!! Ralph, Chelsea and Kirsie ALL THE WAY!!!!!
i think that Chelsea, Hines Ward and Ralph should be in the finals i dont think that kirstie should
I think that Ralph is way too injured and should go home as a health precaution.
I totally agree that Mark is totally outdancing his partner which is unfair to Chelsea because she deserves better and is an amazing dancer.
I think that Kristie, Hines ward and Chelsea should be all in the finals. Romeo is always promoting something, his movie, his song and I think that there is something missing with him, I can't say it's youth, its something. He just doesn't have the personality like the others.
Wow they were so out of sync
I have one word........."Ralph!!!!???".
I think Mark out dances his partner sometimes, it bothers me. ROMEO, ROMEO, ROMEO!!! Love what he brings, if he doesn't win then no shame but I hope I get to see him freestyle.
OMG -- Ralph is so incredibly HOT, HOT, HOTCCHIO! Let's see Hines try and pull that off! Ralph should win BIG TIME!!! WE LOVE YOU RALPH!!!!
Ralph HOT cchio
@robinqm For me, he should win.
Ralph Macchio....WOW...He better win!!!
the karate kid looked fucking hot tonite!!!(NO HOMO).. But he did look like a pro.. its total bullshit if he doesnt win this season.. just like them voting kendra off and keeping kirsties fat asss and romeos wack ass on.. ralph is fucking hott!!!
@Newground990 Which one? I think Born this Way was okay, but Kesha was kinda...no, completely BUTCHERED. :(
@beatlesfreak5597 I feel the EXACT. SAME. WAY. :D
mmm...ralph macchio...(: <3
Yuck those singers completely butchered that song