Chris Brown on Dancing With The Stars DWTS 2011  

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Note: Dancing Starts At 5:26 Pamela Anderson Is Performing A Dancing On Dancing With The Stars Show 2011 - Music By Jennifer Lopez ft. Pitbull - On The Floor I don't own the copyrights of the video enjoy watching !
Video Rating: 5 / 5


logicpractitioner   says June 19, 2011 at 2:22 PM

@babyxkande Charlie may have had his supporters but there was still a huge outcry from the white community. A lot of people that went to his "concert" were curiosity seekers. It's like being fascinated by a bad train wreck. You're not glad it happened but you still feel the need to look. Plus, people tend to be very visual. I also wish people would quit saying Rihanna is "no saint." I don't really know who she is BUT who or what she is is beside the point. It's not a license to be abused.

@logicpractitioner under which rock were u living? Charilie Sheen was beating up women all the time and it never affected his show. He was still supported. The reason way they deserted him now is because he was getting so cocky that it became unbearable,. He felt he was invincible. Chris made one mistake and his career was allmost over. Plus no one knows what really happened that night. I don't condone his behaviour but Rihanna is no saint.

@logicpractitioner Charlie Sheen quit the 'programming' just like MJ and many others whose careers were destroyed. This one sold his soul. Just look at all those hand signals K. Alley was showing to someone in the audince. This is all part of the 'bigger picture' :)) You can get away with murder if you join Disney gang.

@logicpractitioner Actually, it only happens in US!

logicpractitioner   says June 19, 2011 at 3:41 PM

@888johngalt Anyone who thinks someone's behavior is no big deal because they can dance, sing, play sports well, etc. isn't because they are American. They just have their priorities wrong and you can find that in any country.

@logicpractitioner Sure, beat up your girlfirend, apologize and you are a star. Dress her up in fluzzy clothes and make her a public whore.Disgusting Americans.

Celebration of wife beaters

Is this the guy that beat up that black singer?

Is this the guy that beat up that black singer?

emilypsinghlove   says June 19, 2011 at 6:34 PM

He remind me sooooo much of my boyfriend.... i love it lol <3

logicpractitioner   says June 19, 2011 at 6:35 PM

@melodies38 Charlie Sheen did some terrible things. The white community refused to excuse him even though he is a good actor. Chris Brown did some terrible things. The black community excuses him because he can dance. I'm not trying to sound racist so don't go there with my comment. I don't know Rihanna but if she is like you say, CB is what you get. Learn from someone else's mistake - bad character attracts bad character; the violence is still inexcusable.

@logicpractitioner So your saying is that Chris is a bad person in every area of his life because he gotten into a one time fight with his abusive girlfriend two years ago and now he's a bad person for life. What hell are you saying. Rihanna is the one who should suffer the consquences of her actions as well. She has a long history of abusing people in her family but yet the media didn't exposed her never graduating from HS and glorified smoking and drinking since 12. Complex mag 07.

@logicpractitioner Within reason I can discount personal failings if the work is good enough. I would think any person in the future that decides to have a relationship with a Chris Brown (or similar person) would know about his background and if they decide to have a relationship then they accept any potential consequences. Its not my job (or anyones) job to go play hero for people making stupid mistakes. Its not all on Breezy

logicpractitioner   says June 19, 2011 at 7:38 PM

@draber12 You can't honestly believe that making quality music is more important than having quality character. I hope when it comes to dating, you think more highly of yourself. There's more to live for than "quality music". People like Charlie and Chris come to a bad end if they don't get their act together regardless of their talents - money/fame isn't everything. People who respect themselves don't treat others badly. Out of control anger has impacted generations to come in families.

@logicpractitioner Chris Brown does not have any male fans. Thats just a fact - no dude would list Chris Brown as one of their favorite artists. The larger point is that people are willing to lynch Brown over one alleged incident and let serial offenders like a Charlie Sheen (or the tens thousands of violent men) off the hook. Someone as talented as brown is going to have shortcomings in other areas - I don't really care what he does as long as he makes quality music.

logicpractitioner   says June 19, 2011 at 7:54 PM

@draber12 That's right. It's just one case of domestic abuse. He'll probably never do it again and there's probably no impressionable young boys out there thinking that if CB does it, it's cool. What was I thinking. It's just one case - unless that one case is YOU!

Metropolis4Life   says June 19, 2011 at 8:45 PM

@draber12 oh shutup.

The whole time Chris Brown was lip singing to this song even though he sings good live!!!

@logicpractitioner Yes. Chris Brown maybe hitting one woman is the scourge that is ruining this country. There are bigger fish to fry than one case of domestic violence.

@Metropolis4Life I'd love to see you do fucking back flips and sing at the same time

Highest ratings in the history of the show because he's TALENTED!

logicpractitioner   says June 20, 2011 at 12:45 AM

@SHANA83NICOLE Right. The show wasn't a success until Chris Brown came on.

wow i didn't know chris brown could do a back layout =D

logicpractitioner   says June 20, 2011 at 1:42 AM

@SHANA83NICOLE Because I wanted to see how intelligent the people were that like CB. I can tell a lot by the language they use. Dang that public school education.

@logicpractitioner whatever i have my opinion and you have yours why the hell are you watching chris if you hate him fuck off with your bullshit

@TheGoodsweetgirl same thing... it's just a copy of Dancing with the Stars, from the US.

la hechan!!!! no la quiere el jurado se argentina!!! son unos estupidos!!!
este baile estuvo increible!!!
wonderfull!!!!!!!!!!!!! = )

TheGoodsweetgirl   says June 20, 2011 at 3:22 AM

Dancing with the satrs? Is BAILANDO POR UN SUEÑO in Argentina, dear.

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