Dancing with Novak Djokovic  

Posted by Unknown in

Novak Djokovic dances up a storm with Kym Johnson from Dancing with the Stars.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Kirstie Alley & Maksim Chmerkovskiy - Waltz Dancing With The Stars Season 12 Week 4 April 11, 2011 Music: "The Flower Duet" by Léo Delibes' Lakmé Score: 22 (7,7,8)
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Yeah... Serbia is not a hihgly developed country, but I wouldn't live anywhere else on the world. Some things money just can't buy. :)

I love novak!!!!

so thats the secret to winning a grand slam...

q es loco este scrich

Novak Rocks!

@MrRazorblade999 lol i was about to post that while watching the video!

If you are interested to see where's Novak coming from watch this :)

Peace & Love from Serbia :)

who's that soft girl ??

He is the Coolest guy ever in tennis history..

hehehe very nice

Za sve one sto kazu da ju je Nole odvali: NEMA SANSE! Samo u Srbiji devojke sire noge cim vide musko, bilo ozenjeno, mlado, staro ..nema veze!! U svetu postoji VEZA koja je sveta. Brak je sveti. Vrednost. Kod nas se svako sa svaki. Istina.

ma jok i nije je odvalio posle sat vremena

He is so beautiful!

@MrRazorblade999 the top rated comment translates: "he banged her after for sure"

@mm8mm81 who wouldn't be? :D

Pazi ti nadala sto je dislajkovao 13 puta!

I bet he humped her afterwards

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ahaha cool

anyone want to see a new video about djokovic that gives you a great feel for who he is? check out my channel.

свако жели да види нови филм о Ђоковића који вам даје велики осећај ко је он? Цхецк оут мој канал.

anyone want to see a new video about djokovic that gives you a great feel for who he is? check out my channel.

Nole shmekeru,uvati je za pichku!

Novak you are great, pls do not change ever.

she's so happy to feel Novak closely


Ko je ovo bre?!

макс-привет о СТБ

I love bbw's!

When she was fixing her shoe I instantly thought of cinderella!



Love this couple together!!
Kirstie is funny!!
Max's... Kirstie said to him he is Fantastic!!!
They were made for one-another!!

can't keep a kool kirstie down. Still a fox. Fantastic.

can't keep a kool kirstie down. Still a fox.

I love when Bruno literally gets out of his chair to emphasize his points. LOL Kirstie did really well! And everyone is right, she just keeps rolling with the punches! Pretty admirable! :) "It's funny, its not right." HAHA

why are all the judges so annoying?

"It pisses me off when pain inhibits me from doing what I want to do" so she picks herself up, pushes on, & loses a shoe. Should have been wearing her red shoes.

She lost some weight:- ) Good for her!


@cowgrl4real yes! and text and go to abc.com to vote online. all of you fans outside the u.s. can still vote online too!

Shoe mishap? I though that was part of the act .. like Cinderella losing her shoe ..and Maksim was really sweet about it, like a Prince Charming ... all part of great show.

vote kirstie and maks everyweek by calling 1-800-868-3411

i thought it was so beautiful even with the shoe falling off...come on...even pros have trouble going on after that.......The shoe came clear out of her foot.....

@RieMixX3 "The Flower Duet" by Léo Delibes' Lakmé

I've been looking everyone 4 this song! I heard it on a commercial before but not like this. Can any1 tell me the name of this song? =^_^=

n m gusta km baila

she always cracks me up!!

haha! I thought I was the only one thinking of the Bette and Alice scene when the song was being played! Wonderful performace from Kristie and Maks. Nice work from the ladies singing as well

haha! I thought I was the only one thinking of the Bette and Alice scene when the song was being played! Wonderful performace from Kristie and Maks. Nice work from the ladies singing as well

What opera is that aria from?

Give credit to the beautiful singers too!

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