Mistah FAB SXSW Freestyle Hard Knock TV Exclusive  

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www.hardknock.tv Hard Knock TV caught up with Mistah FAB late night outside of a pizza joint at SXSW. Like the true MC he is Mistah FAB busted a freestyle right there on the spot. Now a lot of cats "Freestyle" for us but you can tell they are verses or writtens. If you listen carefully to FAB's freestyle you can hear him incorporating what is going on in the street including the pizza spot's "security" guard who is telling us we need to move because the crowd that is forming outside is blocking the entry to their spot. Mistah FAB is in my personal top 3 freestyler's of all time! Make sure to subscribe to www.youtube.com to get our latest videos including full interview with Mistah FAB and Devi Dev coming next week!
Video Rating: 4 / 5


Damn... Fuh' Dayz..... Ahhaa

its a shame fab is slept on so much except for his less lyrical songs. he impressed me at paid dues back in april

Mistah fag sucks ass 5'9" murdered this clown

immortal technique,celph titled, brother ali, sage francis now those are some dope free stylers, but id say the best was eyedea..R.I.P. fab's ok but not the best and this flow probably one of his weakest ones, but props to fab either way.


Great freestyle, but what ever happened to the full interview of mistah fab I was promised in the video description???

Mr FAB needs a trak wit GET RICCH!

@Mr707BAYAREA ayo man, did you check out that planet asia? If not, here's a song with him over an official pete rock joint. This is him and pete rock, no mash-ups, no editing or nothing. Straight up just them. Peep it out...../watch?v=pnJBtxqXkN8

Eye-Que performing with Mistah Fab and The Jacka in Chico, Ca! This wed!

he really is a beast

FAB killed it

@Mr707BAYAREA ain't no doubt about it man. he's recorded songs with both talib kweli and ras kass along with many many other true conscious hip hop artists from the Bay, L.A., and the 5 boroughs in NYC. To me, P.A. is a West Coast hip hop LEGEND. I'd call him a Veteran actually. He's been doin' it for a while bruh'. :-)

@mumsdawerd Ima check out planet asia on here when i get a minute... Is he really dat good bruh?

@Mr707BAYAREA i agree, but you forgot about planet asia from fresno, cali. He is without a doubt the dopest in a cipha. anyone who don't agree, i can give them a youtube link to disprove them. dude can spit mind blowing verses similar to canibus, eminem, or ras kass.

This is exactly why white people are afraid of blacks..because we see this type of behavior from them everyday..the Bethesda Maryland retail store murder, at Denney's where the black family beat up the white family, the NYC train where the 2 black girls beat up the white woman, the Seattle bus where the white girls beat up the pregnant white girl, at Burger King where the blacks trashed the place, and it goes on. Whites see blacks as next of kin to apes, stuck in the evolutionary process.

ahhh why am i just finding out about him!!!...i think my brain expolded from not hearing an "actual" freestyle in so long

@Thizzilin ok yeah i feel you, and i respect that

@dbdakid Well i wrote that before i heard this so now i'm a f.a.b. fan.... BUT- i hate it when rappers fake shit like Mistah F.A.B. raps all about thizz and the motherfuckers doesn't even do it...

dat girl sexy o yeah n fab killt it

@Thizzilin why you say he fake? im curious

never fucking mind wow hes beast

the reason i dont like mistah F.A.b. is cuz he's fake

FaB is just that !

Yee I've been a fan of Fabby Davis for dayss, he been doin it!!

That's me in the dolphins hat..hahahaaa! my nigga killed that! I just wanted to show his verbal skills by tossin'em words! #Northwest #APMGANG

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