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Video Rating: 5 / 5

Rachael Ray & Tony Dovolani - Dancing With The Stars Randall Christensen of "Dancing With The Stars" designed a dress for Rachael. February 3, 2011
Video Rating: 4 / 5


me pelqen shum]

me fal mund te me thot dikush qysh eshte mbiemri i simones ??

bravo agnesaaaaa

Per Agnesa & Simone komplimente per kete tango, ju uroj fitore!

Per Agnesa & Simone,Dergo sms:
VIP 11
51115 Shqiperi
15191 Kosove
141991 Maqedoni

Faleminderit per perkrahjen tuaj :-)

e meritoni vendin e pare

Per Agnesa & Simone,Dergo sms:
51115 Shqiperi
15191 Kosove
141991 Maqedoni

Faleminderit per perkrahjen tuaj :-)

stuffed sausage


Rachel has the most beautiful body, I don't know why she was uncomfortable.

I'd hit that shit...

@TheBellaTenenbaum lol its hilarious, i think its coz she was leaning forward and her boobs separate and then shes upright and they together agen

@TheBellaTenenbaum Yeah, i noticed that too. is that usual????

Rachel Ray just does not realize how much men love her body.

I don't care what anyone else says, Rachael's always been a babe and I respect her even more for doing this, she looks great! Her husband is one lucky guy!

OMW! Really?! It's annoying me that she's making such a huge deal out of this. She's not running with the bulls in Pamplona or suddenly taking up surgery.

BonelessSausage   says July 22, 2011 at 2:22 AM

@suitwarehouse Oh her life is over. The loser of all losers has lost all RESpect for her. Kill yourself douche bag. Smart people are starving. In fact, kill your whole inbred camel licking placenta eating family.

I thought rachael was a real lady , till this red dress shit . she was so scared about showing her body. she showed nothing in that red dress. she showed more thighs and cleavage in those short skirts and low cut blosses. now if you watch her show after the red dress show , she wears all BLACK , NO SKIRTS and NO LOW CUT TOPS. I LOST ALL RESpECT for her.

Uhhhh! Kim K. is nothing compared to Rachael Ray! Rachael actually has talent, weather it's cooking or actually being fun! Thats better than just being known for sucking on black d!(k$

osamahjwwetnafcw   says July 22, 2011 at 3:31 AM

she actully look hot

"You're going to start wiht you're right foot. You know why?"
"Because the womans always right"
Best quote ever!

SourSweetSoul2   says July 22, 2011 at 3:51 AM

@jasmmmm Have u seen Kim Kardashian dance on DWTS?

Kim Kardashian is to Rachel Ray as a Lamborghini Gallardo is to a Ford Focus.

i love her!!!!!

Here comes a dip!..........


WOW.. she looks so great ... Randall Christensen is an amazing designer .. and Tony .. he is so cute ... what a great segment!!!

TheBellaTenenbaum   says July 22, 2011 at 6:12 AM

What's with Kim Kardashian's cleavage changing shape? hmm...

she looks great !!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

Love it! Thanks for posting!

DreamyElectricBabe   says July 22, 2011 at 7:48 AM

ty very much

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