Ralph Macchio on Lopez Tonight 5/12/2011 (HD)  

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Ralph Macchio on Lopez Tonight May 12, 2011 discusses Dancing with the Stars and much more.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Alfons Haider und Vadim Garbuzov - Cha-Cha-Cha (Dancing Stars 2011)
Video Rating: 4 / 5


I clapped when he came out. I've only seen him in 'The Karate Kid when I watched in the 90s and never heard from him again. Whoa...still looking good I see.

TheSesameStreetElmo   says July 21, 2011 at 3:29 PM

So impossible to think that he is 49! :) I'm gonna cry on his birthday this year.

snowlepard1234   says July 21, 2011 at 4:23 PM

He is the most Hansom man in the world... O_O I want....

SuperZombie1991   says July 21, 2011 at 4:56 PM

wow! he is 50 years old?!

Fuck Jaden Smith, he is just a copy, Ralph is the ORIGINAL!!! So dear Jaden next time, DON'T FUCK WITH THE ORIGINAL!! Jaja XD

GO RALPH GO!!! he don't act his age :D that's my favorite quality of Ralph Macchio

Ralph can move those hips! NICE!

@MrsSanny101 @MrsSanny101 I've played those two seconds many times and unfortunately can't work out what he said, but I really don't hear "wetback". Are you even sure that's what he said??? Because if not, I don't think love or understanding is growing from your comment. 2 minutes after you posted it, someone sent you a reply saying "screw you Ralph Macchio" :(

Dear Ralph,
YOU ARE MY LIFE JOHNNY CADE!! STAY GOLD(: I'm so sad you didn't win DWTS! When you left I wanted to cry :( but I just said "Stay Gold" I love YOUUUU follow me on twitter! (VeraBradley101!)

@mikedc88 49 not 50. he will be 50 on november 4


@UROCKMYSOX249 Born November 1961. I'm guessing he had a very low testosterone level as an adolescent. Can't think of anything else. When he was 27 he looked 16.

Damn!!!! he still looks good...

I'm heartbroken that Ralph got eliminated. He was so fun to watch!
I hate that show now.

GO RALPHY GO!!!!, thanks for this news, I'm so, so far, and I needed good news of Ralph Machio. WOW SEMIFINALS RALPH!!!!, oh my God!!!. Good is he very good of your leg, thank you my Lord.

hahah hilarious! it really sucks he didn't go to the finals to do the karate kick

thewrongkhristol   says July 22, 2011 at 12:23 AM

LOL. No way in hell can someone hate Ralph. That dude is an honorary mexican just for dancing with her.

omg now i really want ralph in the final show just to see the crane!!!
and i want him to win!

@UROCKMYSOX249 make up... working out... hair dye...and more make up.. lol... hes only 50 years old too..

howtogetbannedsans   says July 22, 2011 at 1:53 AM

@UROCKMYSOX249 he's one of those fucking aliems from The Event. I just seen that shit they dont fucking age. Fucking Raplh is working with Sophia motherFUCKER

Omg Ralph is so damn hott!!

WHY does he look so fucking young?

whats the name of the song that he enters to?

@firefliesRULE I Know Huh, I Just Don't Get It, Well He Said Him And His Family Have Great Genes :) That's Awesome ♥

i have 10 email account jus to vote for Ralph!

mein bester freund (freundin) ist ein homosexuelle.Ich hab nichts gegen Herr Haider,im gegenteil,aber ich denke es war nicht notwendig. Ich finde einfach zwei Männer unestätisch. Lg

schämen muss man sich eher über dich rapidfan.
rechtschreiben sollte man auch können

Du kannst sie an Youtube weiterleiten mir egal

Alfons ist der größte Volltrottel was in Österreich rumlaufen darf warum gebt ihr im nicht gleich dem pokal er wird sowieso erster weil alle für den scheiß homo anrufen.Wen man sowas wie Alvons Haider sieht muss man sich für Österreich schähmen!

Sie sind sehr süß die beiden, einfach toll. Da hat sich unser deutsches Format
" Lets Dance " nicht getraut ! Willkommen Österreich !! Sehr schön !

Aber Vadim hat doch eine freundin? oder?

Thanks to all supporters!

oh, Cha-Cha-Cha ...

Great cha-cha

Ich freue mich als Hererosexueller Österreicher für Österreich, dass das ohne großes Tam-Tam Ermöglicht wurde!

Exzellent! Weiter so.

Mir ist die sexuelle Ausrichtung der Teilnehmer total egal, aber ich persönlich finde es einfach optisch schöner mit einer Frau in wallendem Kleid....

Schade, dass im deutschen "lets dance" wieder kein Männer- / Frauenpaar dabei ist..........

Ich freu mich ganz einfach darüber, dass der Herr Haider sichtlich so viel Spaß daran hat ;-)

The singer Maria RERYCH presented the song "Respect" in a wonderful version as she did one week before with the song "Golden Eye". She is one of the highlights of this programme.

pff only two guys dancing in the same place

Zwei leckere Jungs, dass muss man schon mal sagen! Aber mal ganz im Ernst; dass war doch schon lang mal fällig, dass "Mann" sich traut, auch mal in einer Dancing-Show eine gute Figur zu machen. Die beiden stecken die anderen Pärchen locker in die Tasche. Jeder, der damit nicht klarkommt lebt in falschen Jahrhundert. Toleranz ist heutzutage unser wichtigstes Gut, egal auf und in welcher Weise!!!!

They have my respect! ^^

shamanigetzemani   says July 22, 2011 at 11:56 AM

As a gay male, I'm offended by the sassy stereotype.
As a dancer, I'm offended by how this gets too much attention.
But as a Latin, I'm furious by the claim this even resembles cha-cha-cha.

@rg0057 theater/the dance.........has been the domain of gay folk for centuries, they should know better, or someone should have told them how weak their effort was.....do it well or get off the stage...this is showbusiness. It is just like singing.

sie haben mir besser gefallen als manch andere paare.
waren neben ekker/seer am besten fand ich

@douglasokc , I don't see why the gay dancers should have to be any better than the straight ones.

BloodOfTheLamb1   says July 22, 2011 at 1:31 PM

So much for the myth of gay men and great taste.

Which I guess is fine... that particular stereotype is no more positive than believing "all black folks got rhythm."

ok, gay 101: if you are gonna do this, then ya gotta be fuckin good.....not this. dancing is about the legs and their power, not lots of arm and hand waving around. not good, just silly

KLGCooperation   says July 22, 2011 at 2:35 PM

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kann man bitte diesen Nazi alias Grafvon... sperren? ich finde es widerlich, so eine perverse meinung hier lesen zu müssen! menschenverachtende idioten haben hier nichts zu suchen! komm mit deinem leben klar und lass andere leben wie sie wollen! ich find es klasse! hier in deutschland weiß niemand, was ihr in österreich für ein problem habt! endlich habt ihr mal die chance, pioniere im besten sinne zu sein! hört doch auf, ständig eure eigenen leute runterzumachen!

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